When We Work Together You Get Reliable Testing And Scientifically-Backed Portocols (So That You Can Get Back To Eating Your Favourite Foods Again!)
I use proven therapeutic protocols with the latest research and development in IBS/SIBO, Heartburn/Acid Reflux, H.Pylori and the Microbiome.
With the use of the SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) Breath Test (which accounts for up to 80% of IBS cases) and the GI Map comprehensive stool test (looks for common infections, pathogens and overgrowths causing unwanted digestive symptoms), we get to the bottom of your digestive issues through no-guesswork, uniquely yours targeted therapy saving you time and money!
Barb Handy Is Trained By World-Class Doctors And Is Known For Her Root Cause Approach Which Has Helped 100'S Of People Just Like You.
I will help you develop a plan to end bloating that makes you feel 6 months pregnant and to be able to fully evacuate your bowels, without any urgency. Shed the excess weight that doesn’t seem to budge no matter what you do. Lift the brain fog, ditch the afternoon fatigue and stop stressing about what is safe to eat.
I will show you that it is possible to feel confident in your clothes, be able to trust your body and stop mapping out every washroom when you leave the house. You deserve the feeling of vitality and like yourself again.
You deserve to be able to go to a restaurant and choose a dish simply because it sounds damn good.
I will guide you with a comprehensive protocol that is targeted to the unique person that is you so we can save you time in reaching your goals and stop throwing money away on supplements and tests, hoping one will be the holy grail! Together, you will have the power to bring back joy and start enjoying life with your loved ones again.
You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on supplements that ended up collecting dust in your cupboards and tests that told you nothing’s wrong. Your doctors have given up and so have you.
What you want the most is to have answers for your uncomfortable digestive struggles and stop spending money on things that don’t work.
When you work with me, we not only use the best diagnostic tests that are geared to give you real answers and a targeted therapy plan, I also use my years of education, research and both clinical and personal experience to digging into the root cause of your symptoms.
You’re hiding belly under baggy shirts and stretchy pants by the end of the day because you are so bloated that you feel 6 months pregnant. You mourn the loss of your fabulous outfits that are collecting dust in your closet.
What if I told you that in as little as 4 months, you can wear your high-rise jeans with a crop top, a two-piece pathing suit at the beach and you can comfortably tuck your shirt into your pants without looking like a spilled over muffin top - all day.
Hire me as your gut health coach, and I will teach you how to rebalance your gut microbes so they will play nice - even to the end of the day!
I will teach you how and what to eat so you can not only expand your diet but also retrain your gut to tolerate your favourte foods again and beat the bloat.
No one understands your uncomfortable digestive symptoms and limitations and so your relationships with friends and family have changed leaving you feeling very isolated and lonely.
Having me as your health coach means that you will be able to join your friends out for dinner now that you no longer feel sick after eating. You can reliably RSVP to invitations and no longer have to explain to anyone what your dietary restrictions are and finally enjoy all your favourite foods again without any pain.
You have anxiety about eating out at a restaurant or someones house because, what if you have the embarrassment of diarrhea while you’re out or nausea so debilitating you can’t function so you simple don’t go anymore.
I’m here to tell you that this doesn’t need to be the fate of your now or future. Together, we can make it the year that you say YES to the invitations out for girls night out or guys night in because you feel amazing and no longer feel sick after eating.
Another summer of canceling on your family camping trip and you are definitely not planning that spring Euro tour because having diarrhea and gut cramps is really not very much fun when you’re…trying to have fun.
When you work with me, this is what you get:
My own struggles led me to hundreds of hours in research, attending masterclasses and getting certified in IBS and SIBO clinical management.
I went back to school to become a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and jumped into helping people just like you discover if their IBS was actually Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), heartburn/GERD was actually an H.Pylori infection and using diagnostic tools to get direct answers that save my clients not only time and meet their goals faster than they ever have but also save money because we are not guessing at what is going on with you.
Between using the most comprehensive tests and my expert knowledge and ability to decode symptoms, I will save you hundreds of dollars in supplements and medications that are either not going to work or will work only until you stop taking them.
What sets me apart from others is that I look for the root cause of why you are experiencing bloating, diarrhea/constipation, nausea, stomach pain, heartburn and more.
I’m not only able to deliver a uniquely-you comprehensive protocol that is going to target the root cause, I will also reveal to you the reason why you’ve been suffering and what you can do to support your body for the rest of your life.
A: If you’ve ever thought this, you’re in great company with hundreds of other clients and students of mine (and me!!!) who’ve also had this exact thought before. The thought of failing another gut healing program is terrifying. But not as terrifying as being stuck feeling like crap every day, bloated, constipated, fearing you won't make the toilet this time, not feeling confident and trusting your body. Feeling exhausted and just dragging through the day until bedtime just to do it all over again. Yes, I’ve also been through this hell and back - until I went through the same step-by-step process that I’ve successfully created and implemented for the past several years helping people just like you feel great again! The only way you’re going to fail is if you quit, and I’m pretty sure you’re not a quitter!
A: My digestive healing protocols are nothing like what you’ve tried before. I use both the latest science and development in digestive healing and a holistic approach that leaves no stone unturned. My claim to fame is being able to dig into the root cause of your symptoms, health history, and diagnostic results and be able to uncover the reason why you haven’t gotten better and the roadmap we need to build to get you there. With the use of diagnostic testing and my strong ability to decode what is really going on in your gut, we will not only save you so much time and get you to your health goals faster but in the end, save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the process.
A: You can continue to put off the dreams of healing your digestive system because you don't feel “ready” or are waiting for “the right time” and then you realize that feeling “ready” is a lie. Life is busy and there will always be something that comes up to push your dreams to the side. This is your time to decide that you are fully committed to healing your digestion and getting back to your symptom-free life by following my step-by-step system and you now have a coach (me!) to help you every step of the way making it stress-free to follow and with all the support you need.
A: This program is for you if...
You experience chronic bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn/GERD, have been diagnosed with IBS/SIBO, IBD, Crohns, Colitis, H.Pylori or just don’t even know where to start but you know your digestion just isn’t working as well as it once was and it’s interfering with your day-to-day life.
You’ve spent many hours waiting on medical appointments just to be left feeling disappointed, dismissed and gaslit.
You have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on doctor appointments, drugs and supplements only to be left feeling like you’re back to square one.
You haven’t addressed the root cause of your digestive struggles and are looking for permanent results.
You have been on the low FODMAP or other restrictive diet for a long time. You are ready to rebuild food tolerance and heal your food fears.
You are ready to start feeling your best again and are willing to put in the work, dedication and commitment to showing up for yourself every damn day!